From the Heart for Eudochia Grib

2,930 EUR Of the 36,200 required
322 Donations
46 Days left
Age 47 years
Amount required 36,200 Euro

A message from her daughter:

Throughout her life, she has proven to be a woman of astonishing strength, always ready to face every obstacle with determination and courage. With a heart full of love and unmatched inner strength, she now faces a terrible battle - battle with cancer.
My name is Gabriela Grib, and I am writing on behalf of my mother, Eudochia Grib, who is 47 years old, a middle school teacher for 15 years.
I come with a plea for support in this fierce battle.
It all started in December 2023, when my mother was taken to the emergency room with abdominal pain, the doctors thought it was an appendicitis issue and decided to remove it. During the surgery, the doctors discovered that the problem was much more serious, but they hesitated to tell her.
The diagnosis was: "Tumor of the ileocecal angle T4 N2 Mx adhered to the right uterine tube Ascites". Urgent surgical intervention was needed to remove the tumor, which could give complications at any moment. The surgery was successful, but a scan a month after the surgery detected metastasis. I can't convey what I felt at that moment.
Currently, my mother is receiving chemotherapy in another country, at a clinic that gives us a chance for treatment. It wasn't long before a new challenge came our way, my mother needs another surgery soon, which must remove all that remains of the tumor, then a few sessions of chemotherapy will follow. Cancer is a horrible disease that ends the lives of many people, but there are cases where there is a chance... my mother's case.
Mom is desperate and ready to give up... but not us, we will fight, we are doing everything possible to give her a chance to live.
Today, I ask you with an open heart to lend us a helping hand.
The surgery and chemotherapy that my mother requires, come at a considerably high cost that we cannot cover, especially in such a short time.
Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to the chance at life that our mother deserves, closer to returning to life as it was before.
Thank you for your time and for any form of support you are willing to offer.

Campaign began in 18 April 2024
Days left 46
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Hâncești, s. Secărenii Noi
Category Social
Anonymous donation 23 Dec, 2024 07:35 278
Maria Hincu 13 Dec, 2024 22:29 19
10 USD
FILIPP ALEXANDR 13 Dec, 2024 09:54
200 MDL
ajutor material pu Grib Eudochia
Matcovschi Sergiu 7 Oct, 2024 22:17 158
19 MDL
FILIPP ALEXANDR 2 Sep, 2024 12:32
50 MDL
ajutor material pu Grib Eudochia
All donations
