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Cases for assistance

From the Heart for Serghei Cuceinici

From the Heart for Serghei Cuceinici

Greetings! My name is Serghei Cuceinici, and I am a surgeon with 30 years of experience in medicine. I have helped many patients over the years. Since 2015, I have become a patient myself, battling cancer.I've undergone many...

From the heart for Zidan Perebinos

From the heart for Zidan Perebinos

A message from his parents: Our little Zidan, at just 22 months old, received a heartbreaking diagnosis: Stage 4 brain cancer. Just a short while ago, he was full of energy and smiles, but everything changed drastically in March. He...

From the Heart for Inna Morari

From the Heart for Inna Morari

A message from Inna: My name is Inna, I am 38 years old, and in July I will turn 39. My only wish is to live and be with my son, whom I am raising by myself. Recently, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I need to start treatment...