From the heart to Adriana Tabac

32,827 EUR Of the 45,000 required
2535 Donations
42 Days left
Age 36 years
Amount required 45,000 Euro

A message from Adriana:

Hello, my name is Adriana, I am 36 years old. The sad story of my life began in 2018 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I underwent chemotherapy and surgery, during which one breast was removed. A year later, cancer relapsed (this time gynecological), and another surgery followed, during which the reproductive system was removed.
Four years of remission, and everything seemed to be ok.... but unfortunately... Cancer has returned again. I am in despair, but I continue to fight! I want to live! I have a son whom I am raising on my own, and he needs a healthy mother! Please, support me in this struggle! I believe from the bottom of my heart that I can win. But I cannot do it without YOU, people of goodwill!

Thank you for your kindness!

P.S. The initial sum is approximate, and after thorough research, Adriana will receive the exact cost of treatment.

Campaign began in 22 November 2023
Days left 42
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Cahul, s.Roșu
Category Social
Corina Macarenco 26 Jul, 2024 16:39 47
Tatiana Safina 26 Jul, 2024 12:31 2
100 MDL
Pripa Ana-Maria 26 Jul, 2024 11:42
500 MDL
SMS Unite 14 Jul, 2024 13:22
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****97
Anonymous donation 14 Jul, 2024 12:49 8
20 EUR
All donations
