From the heart for Maria Madalina Vicol

9,258 EUR Of the 16,000 required
698 Donations
167 In how many days was collected
Name Maria Madalina Vicol
Age 19 years
Amount required 16,000 Euro
Treatment Germany
Diagnostic Hemangioma

A message from mother:
The most important thing for a mother is the health of her children. For me, too, the most important incentive in life is children, and their well-being is of most importance to me. My youngest daughter Madalina was born with a medical problem - congenital hemangioma, which causes both physical and emotional pain from an aesthetic point of view. We are waiting for treatment in Germany. Currently, we are making great efforts to collect the necessary amount, but, unfortunately, the costs are beyond our capabilities. The surgery is scheduled for September this year. Time is short and we do not know whom to turn to. We really need help, and we hope that this message will reach the hearts of kind people. Any assistance is of great improtance to us.

Campaign began in 14 August 2019
In how many days was collected 167
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Ialoveni s. Horodca
Category Social
Gherta Valeriu 27 Jan, 2020 13:00
90 EUR
Anonymous donation 9 Sep, 2019 12:22
83 MDL
Anonymous donation 9 Sep, 2019 10:53
987 MDL
Sper sa se faca fata bine cat mai repede si sa se bucure de viata de adolescent cat mai mult cu putinta. Doamne ajuta...
Anonymous donation 9 Sep, 2019 10:07 3
20 USD
Anonymous donation 9 Sep, 2019 10:01 2
50 EUR
Doamne aiuta..
All donations
17 Sep, 2019

Dragii nostri, Madalina va multumeste pentru sansa primita. Tanara este dupa operatie si urmeaza o perioada de reabilitare. Mamica tinerei ne-a anuntat ca se simte bine si va multumeste din numele Madalinei pentru toata sustinerea. Am fost cei care ne-am unit si i-am oferit tinerei o sansa la o viata fara chin durere si priviri dupa 19 ani de asteptare.   Dragilor, va multumim cu plecaciune fiecaruia pentru inca un destin schimbat. Va multumim cu plecaciune, pentru fericirea si implinirea acestor oameni indurerati si disperati de incercarile vietii. Nu exista nimic mai frumos si mai implinit in lume decat sa ne ridicam si sa ne sustinem noi oamenii si sa intindem o mana de ajutor pentru cei care au mare nevoie de  bunatatea si ajutorul nostru.

Multumim pentru toata increderea si sustinerea,  ne face sa continuam sa salvam cate mai multe destine.


14 Aug, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
