From the heart for Mihaita Gheorghies

16,110 USD Of the 16,742 required
138 Donations
1672 In how many days was collected
Name Mihail Gheorghies
Age 2 years
Amount required 16,742 US Dollar

 First name: Mihaita
• Surname: Gheorghies
• Age:
• Diagnosis: Eye cancer giving metastasis to the second eye - renoplastosis
• Required amount: $ 15,000
• Treatment: MedicalPark

This little man is called Mihaita. He is only 2 years old, but he is already struggling, he has eye cancer which gives metastasis to the second eye - renoplastosis. In order to save the eye and the vision, it takes a sum of money that a family with 5 children simply does not have. To stop the metastases to the second eye, Mihaita does chemotherapy and will have to undergo periodic examinations, not to mention other costly procedures. He needs these examinations and procedures to prevent the spread of the tumor. Parents are desperate and ready to sell the house, but in this case 4 wonderful children will remain on the street. The life of this wonderful boy depends on us, let's all help Mihaita, give him a chance to live and see. The boy is only two years old, but he is already a fighter.

Campaign began in 25 April 2017
In how many days was collected 1672
Created P CaritateMD
Region or Soldanesti
Category Social
Dra IUSTINA ANICA URDAREANU 22 Nov, 2021 14:17
20 RON
Dra IUSTINA ANICA URDAREANU 11 Oct, 2021 10:05
20 USD
Furnica Adriana 22 Sep, 2020 10:44
Anonymous donation 14 Jun, 2018 00:55 13
196 MDL
sorecau cristina 12 Jun, 2018 11:38 23
19 MDL
All donations
24 May, 2018

Dragii nostri, Mihaita se simte din ce in ce mai bine, dar astazi parintii vin repetat cu rugamintea de a fi ajutati pana la urma. Micutul este programat la analize detaliate repetate pentru a vedea cursul tratamentului, atat noi, cat si parintii speram ca rezultatele vor fi si mai imbucaratoare. Din pacate pentru a pleca la clinica, micutului nu ii ajunge 1400 dolari. Parintii sunt pusi la pamant de neputinta financiara, pentru ca Mihaita a trecut prin 7 operatii si pe umerii lor mai sunt datorii. Ei practic au vandut tot, sunt parinti extraordinari care uneori au facut si imposibilul, dar acum ei sunt mai mult decat neputinciosi. Astazi parintii lui Mihaita va roaga in genunchi sa ii ajutam sa plece la investigatii. 1400 dolari il despart pe micut, inca un mic efort, inca o mica sustinere, inca o mica donatie pentru acest pui mic nevinovat ce lupta pentru viata lui.


Am dat start campaniei
