From the heart to Alexandru

41,713 EUR Of the 41,000 required
381 Donations
188 In how many days was collected
Name Rusu Carolina
Age 7 years
Amount required 41,000 Euro

Hello, my name is Carolina and I'm from Chisinau. I am writing to ask for help for my son Alexandru, who is seven years old and who is a sociable and intelligent child who can not fully enjoy the happiness of life, because he suffers from a terrible illness. At the age of 8 months, doctors established that the boy had a clinical diagnosis - a congenital anomaly, an intestinal obstruction caused by Jackson membrane. At that time he suffered his first surgery. As a child, the boy underwent many surgeries, as a result of which doctors were forced to remove parts of the intestine and ileostomy. The Commission has established a severe degree of disability. I am personally very grateful local doctors for their high professionalism and for their kind heart, but in our country there is a lack of modern technologies. The only chance is a surgery in Germany that costs 41 000 euros, and my financial condition does not allow me to cope with this situation. I ask and I beg you to help Alexandru, who is the meaning of my life. Please, if it is possible, help us, because, like any mother, I want my child to be healthy and did not know what pain is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sincerely, Carolina!

Campaign began in 17 May 2017
In how many days was collected 188
Created Caritate Md
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Gheceanu Irina 20 Nov, 2017 19:43
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 16 Nov, 2017 14:37
21,186 USD
Anonymous donation 13 Nov, 2017 11:37 3
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 10 Nov, 2017 13:34 9
300 MDL
Moldovan Adela Simona 6 Nov, 2017 20:27 25
436 MDL
Dumnezeu sa îți dea sănătate pui mic . Ma rog pt tine zilnic !
All donations
15 Jan, 2018

Dragii nostri, astazi venim cu noutati frumoase din partea lui Alexandru Rusu. Acum micutul se afla acasa, se simte bine, operatia si insasi tratamentul a fost unul cu succes. Sa stiti ca este extrem de fericit ca nu are dureri. Cu toate ca a fost un tratament complicat si extrem de grav la care Alexandru a fost supus unor dureri insuportabile, totusi Alexandru a dat dovada de multa rabdare, putere si curaj si a iesit un mare invingator. Mamica si Alexandru va multumesc din suflet pentru sansa oferita, pentru o viata normala fara dureri si chinuri. Astazi Alexandru ne-a confirmat ca este cel mai fericit si acest lucru se datoreaza voua. Sunteti cei care ofera atatea zambete si sperante celor necajiti, sunteti cei care schimba destine si faceti dorintele copiilor de a fi sanatosi, sa fie indeplinite. Noi va multumim din suflet pentru ca existati si ca va pasa. Astazi impreuna cu Dvs ne bucuram ca Alexandru a venit acasa sanatos si un copil fericit. Multumim!



Am dat start campaniei
