From the heart to Ana Nogai

88,488 EUR Of the 100,000 required
4542 Donations
296 In how many days was collected
Age 38 years
Amount required 100,000 Euro

A message from Ana:

I am a mother of three children: a 1.6-month-old girl, a 6-year-old boy, and a 15-year-old girl. I am a doctor. We are all a family of doctors. In August 2022, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, stage II b. I underwent treatment in Iași, had a total hysterectomy, and received chemotherapy. We were very happy with the therapeutic achievements, undergoing regular check-ups every three months. In February 2024, during another examination, metastases were found in the right lung in the form of nodules, which, according to a biopsy, were confirmed to be neuroendocrine metastases, a rare and aggressive tumor that cannot be treated in Iași.

My chance to overcome this tragedy and raise my children is treatment in Switzerland, which costs a huge amount of money.

I ask you to help me get a chance at life. Along with my family, you are my only hope.

Thank you for your support.

Campaign began in 16 February 2024
In how many days was collected 296
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
FILIPP ALEXANDR 26 Nov, 2024 16:03
10 MDL
ajutor material pu Nogai Ana
Cristina Ceban 12 Nov, 2024 00:56 3
10 USD
Liliana Motricala 8 Nov, 2024 18:04 11
100 EUR
Erhan Bogdan 24 Oct, 2024 00:37
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 14 Oct, 2024 13:50 3
100 MDL
Dumnezeu sa te ajute!
All donations
6 Mar, 2024

Dragii nostri, venim cu noutati de la tanara mamica. Cu Doamne Ajuta, Ana a ajuns in Elvetia, unde a trecut o serie de analize si este in asteptare de a primi cursul tratamentului corect. Multumim din suflet fiecaruia in parte pentru o mobilizare frumoasa care continua sa ii aduca acestei mamici sansa de a se intoarce la cei trei copilasi ai ei, ce o asteapta acasa. Drumul spre vindecare este lung si va rugam din inima sa mai depunem un mic efort sa ii putem asigura tratamentul costisitor ce este peste puterile familiei. Ana in continuare are nevoie de ajutorul si sustinerea noastra, o mica donatie de suflet, repetata din partea tuturor ii poate aduce sansa la viata.

Va rugam din suflet sa fim alaturi in continuare de aceasta mamica ce are de trecut o lupta grea pentru a invinge crunta boala, insa fara noi, sansa ei la viata nu ar fi....

Va multumim din inima pentru stropul de bunatate adus Anei. 


16 Feb, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
