From the heart to Igor Radu

53,309 USD Of the 150,000 required
3470 Donations
81 In how many days was collected
Name Igor Radu
Age 4 years
Amount required 150,000 US Dollar
Treatment Turkey
Diagnostic Tumor

This is little Igorash, a four-year-old boy, who enjoys living very much!
And we are all very happy that he is with us.
Unfortunately, we recently learned a diagnosis that we still cannot believe in - a tumor!
Please help this child grow up healthy!
Treatment, chemotherapy and surgery are required, which cost a whopping $150,000.
Parents can pledge everything, but our help is also required.
Like any parent, we sincerely wish Igor to be a happy, healthy child, to grow up next to other children of the world and to never know what pain is!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Campaign began in 9 April 2021
In how many days was collected 81
Created P CaritateMD
Region Trușeni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 28 Jun, 2021 22:59 34
30 MDL
Ecaterina Caracicovscaia 28 Jun, 2021 15:24 8
537 MDL
Ion Ioncu 26 Jun, 2021 08:10 34
10 EUR
Doamne ajuta pe igoras!
Ion Ioncu 26 Jun, 2021 08:09 34
10 EUR
Doamne ajuta pe igoras!
Eugeniu Zaiat 25 Jun, 2021 10:15
200 MDL
All donations
18 Jan, 2022


26 Apr, 2021
9 Apr, 2021

Am dat start campaniei
