From the heart to Natalia Terentii

307,517 MDL Of the 288,000 required
187 Donations
42 In how many days was collected
Name Natalia Terentii
Age 36 years
Amount required 288,000 Moldova Lei

  • First Name: Natalia
  • Surname: Terentii
  • Age: 36
  • Diagnosis: Madden's mastectomy, left-sided with regional lymphadenectomy (breast cancer)
  • Necessary amount: 288,000 lei for Avastin (bevacizumab) for 3 months.

    A message from Natalia

Good afternoon, my name is Natalia Terentii, I'm from Orhei. At the moment I have an incurable disease, and in order to prevent its development, I require expensive medications, namely Avastin (Bevacizumab), which costs 24,000 lei, and the total amount (for the first three months) is 288,000 lei.

I am the mother of two children, the twins Andrei and Bogdan. Immediately after their birth, in 2013 the boy was diagnosed with a "cardiac defect" and underwent surgery in Kiev. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with "Madden's mastectomy, left-sided with regional lymphadenectomy (breast cancer)." I also underwent a surgery, hormonal therapy, followed by radiation therapy. After all these procedures, there was a complete remission of the disease, followed by a stable period. But in May 2017, after several examinations, carcinogens with metastases were found in the lungs on the right side. Eight complex chemotherapy sessions followed, after which the process of growth and reproduction of metastases in the lungs has stopped. In order to prevent the spread of metastases further, including to other organs, I need a medication called Avastin. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to give me your support in these difficult moments. Thank you for any donation!

Campaign began in 17 January 2018
In how many days was collected 42
Created P CaritateMD
Region or. Orhei
Category Social
"Alimer-Comert" SRL 28 Feb, 2018 10:20
15,000 MDL
Anonymous donation 27 Feb, 2018 14:17
10,000 EUR
Because we believe in Svetlana , Dumitru and Alexandru!We believe in “”
Anonymous donation 26 Feb, 2018 12:51 9
45 MDL
Poate nu e bine dar o să fie bine, definitiv bine.
Anonymous donation 25 Feb, 2018 14:47 84
Sa va ajute Bunul Dumnezeu!!!☀️
Anonymous donation 21 Feb, 2018 08:45 99
All donations
