From the heart to Olesea Vacarenco

4,735 EUR Of the 6,000 required
231 Donations
214 In how many days was collected
Name Olesea
Age 33 years
Amount required 6,000 Euro

  • Name: Olesea
  • FirstName: Vacarenco
  • Age: 33 years old
  • Diagnosis: Hepatitis B + D in an aggressive stage of development, splenomegaly, portal hypertension and last degree cirrhosis 
  • Amount necessary:6000 euro
  • Treatment: Italy

Hello, my name is Olesea Vacarenco, I’m 33 years old and I am from the city of Criuleni. Three years ago I was taken to the intensive care unit of the Chisinau Republican Clinic, where I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B + D in an aggressive stage of development, splenomegaly, portal hypertension and last degree cirrhosis (as it turned out 9 years ago, I pierced the navel and was infected). Now I require a liver transplant, rehabilitation and then anti-viral treatment for life. Since January 2, 2017, for seven times this year, I got into intensive care unit with exacerbations: ascites, esophageal rupture (I underwent surgery), hepatic coma and uncountable number of pre-coma states, toxicity of all organs due to malfunctioning of liver, anemia, encephalopathy, acute pancreatitis due to portal hypertension. Now, all the organs function less than 20%.

All year I can not sit and walk anymore because of severe pain in the organs and accumulation of a large amount of fluids in the body. My vision also deteriorated and after coma there was a complete loss of memory - not everything was restored and the brain began to function poorly (problems in accessing to blood and air). The daily medicines I require to support the functioning of organs, are expensive. Each day can be my last. In November, after several consulations, I was that there is no time left, the body's reserves are low and the liver dried up. The organ transplant should be made before the end of 2017. I'm standing in line for a transplant in Moldova, but the clinic has no organs and no one knows for sure if there will be any donors. By myself, I also couldn’t find any donors. Even after the transplant, there is a very high probability of rejection, and then the only solution will be a transplant made abroad. There is a possibility to go to Germany, where the cost of services reaches 200 000 euros. I must be prepared for all these situations morally and financially.
My retired parents are the ones taking care of me. But they also need care and treatment: the mother barely walks with a stick (joints problems) and my father is also ill. They try to make some money, but it’s not nearly enough. Earlier I supported them, and now due to my condition, my family is in huge debt. I have a dietary regimen. And I understand that my parents gave everything to me.
Please, hear my cry for help! My family is no longer able to buy the necessary daily medication, food, or to take care of me. I'm not used to ask for help and I'm very embarrassed. My whole life I tried to act as an adult and an be an independent person. But life gave me a serious challenge and at the moment I’m losing it. My life depends only on you! God gave me a chance - the opportunity to be born, and now existence is on a wire, but I have something to cling to! And my hope is you-People! When I lay down and go to sleep, I dream of only one thing ... to see relief and happiness in their eyes! I'm strong and I'm fighting with all my powers! I believe in a miracle!

Sincerely, Olesea.

Campaign began in 16 November 2017
In how many days was collected 214
Created P CaritateMD
Region Criuleni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 18 Jun, 2018 12:04
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 17 Jun, 2018 16:25 75
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 11 Jun, 2018 00:29 89
493 MDL
Anonymous donation 8 Jun, 2018 05:26 3
420 MDL
Doamnemiluieste copilul tau!
Caras Cristian 5 Jun, 2018 23:14 2
198 MDL
All donations
22 Jan, 2019

Mesajul Olesei pentru toti cei care au fost alaturi de ea:

Дорогие мои!!! Только сейчас я с уверенностью могу сказать, что чувствую себя хорошо! В последний момент мне Богом был дан шанс провести операцию по пересадке печени в Италии. Но нужны были так же средства на период реабилитации. Для моей семьи это очень огромные деньги. Именно с этой просьбой я обратилась к вам и вы откликнулись! Ровно год назад 11.01.2018г меня прооперировали! Я заново родилась! Училась ходить, заново знакомить организм с едой, осознанно думать и самое сложное - заново мечтать! Я все еще нахожусь под контролем Итальянской клиники и еще один год должна находиться здесь. Но дальше легче!!!

Я от всей души благодарю всех и каждого из вас, кто делал пожертвования и оказывал помощь в такой трудный период! Ваша поддержка убедила меня, что я не одна. Теперь предстоит долгий период реабилитации после операции. И всё это стало возможно пожертвованиям, которые вы каждый день совершали и молились за мое здоровье. Вы не остались равнодушными и это бесценно! Нет на свете таких слов , чтобы выразить свою благодарность!!!!

Спасибо вам за то,что вы есть!


Am dat start campaniei
