From the heart to Tatiana Pirtu!

35,318 USD Of the 100,000 required
2293 Donations
260 In how many days was collected
Name Pîrțu Tatiana
Age 20 years
Amount required 100,000 US Dollar

A beautiful twenty-year-old woman, on December 2 can reach the age of 21 with the help of people with big hearts. She was a happy young woman, she had a wonderful family and she had just become a mother. She led a healthy and active lifestyle, without even having enough time to enjoy this wonderful miracle of her life, her beautiful little girl. Everything was fine until the first symptoms appeared: fatigue, terrible headaches and sudden weight loss. Life prepared her another scenario, too hard for a young twenty-year-old mother.

"With fear in my soul, I went to take the blood tests. The next day I was told that I urgently must visist the hematologist and I realized that something was wrong. I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. When my husband returned from work, we both cried, looked at our little girl and felt that everything around us had collapsed ... ".

In addition, after treatment, Tatiana was infected with acute viral hepatitis C. The only hope for Tatiana is a clinic in Israel, but the research costs more than 10,000 euros. This sum is impossible for this family to get without the help of people with big hearts. In addition, in order to raise a child and enjoy her life, the young woman requires a bone marrow transplantation, which exceeds 50,000 euros. We can give this hope to Tatiana, who wants to see how her child grows. Please, let us help this young mother.

Campaign began in 10 April 2017
In how many days was collected 260
Created Cristina Savciuc-Axentii
Region Drochia
Category Social
Anonymous donation 26 Dec, 2017 14:19 5
Anonymous donation 24 Dec, 2017 16:15 81
101 MDL
Cristian Hoha 22 Dec, 2017 22:56
Campeanu Catalin 21 Dec, 2017 21:50
438 MDL
BPay Terminal 17 Dec, 2017 16:32
100 MDL
Numărul cecului: 101191635766246
All donations
31 Jan, 2018

Dragii noștri, cu toții am aflat cu o nemăsurată tristețe că Tatiana Pîrțu s-a stins din viată. Probabil că în astfel de situații cuvintele sunt de prisos, pentru că ele se rezumă în durere, tristețe, lacrimi lăsate în urmă. Am fost alături de Tatiana de la bun început și până la urmă am oferit tot sprijinul și mamei îndurerate. De aceea mai jos vă aducem la cunoștință, repartizarea donațiilor și cheltuielile pentru Tatiana Pîrțu:

  • 2132,84 $ pe contul personal al Tatianei pentru medicamente și cheltuieli zilnice;
  • 3000,00 $ pe contul personal al Tatianei pentru plecarea in Franța;
  • 4425 euro pentru cazare și traducător
  • 18730 MDL – masa de pomenire a Tatianei
  • 3150 MDL –transport pentru înmormântare
  • 14014 MDL pe contul mamei pentru mașina de spălat, cuptor și alte necesități

Restul banilor colectați pentru Tatiana Pârțu au fost repartizați echivalent a câte 11581 dolari, pentru cazul Otilia Pânzaru și Polina Ceban.

Mulțumim mult tuturor pentru susținere, tot ce a stat în puterea omenească s-a făcut, compasiune și sincere condoleanțe pentru pierderea suferită întregii familii


Am dat start campaniei
