From the heart to Alexandru Anton

2,791 EUR Of the 40,930 required
108 Donations
4 In how many days was collected
Name Ina
Age 32 years
Amount required 40,930 Euro

  • Surname: Anton
    • Last name: Alexandru
    • Age: 32
  • Diagnosis: Malignant melanoma
    • Required amount: 40,930 euros
    • Treatment: Turkey

    A message from wife:

    Hello! My name is Ina, I am the wife of Alexandru Anton, who at the age of 32 suffers from malignant melanoma that already started to provoke liver metastases. I struggle to collect my thoughts to explain to you what we are going through. When we heard this sad news, we were very scared, but tried to gather all our strength to fight the disease. Within six months we tried everything, in the hope that we would succeed, but, unfortunately, the situation worsened, and we are out of strength. Now we have come to the conclusion that we cannot fight alone ... we need help. Any support from you is a chance for us to see our father next to us. The cost of treatment abroad is too high, but it must be started as soon as possible, as the condition of my spouse changes every day. My heart hurts when I see how he struggles, because I know how strong he is. My children and I need him, and I know that he is now fighting for us. Our family is very united, but life has put us through a lot of difficulties.

    Any help from people with big hearts gives us hope that someday we will see our father home, next to us. Thank you, we sincerely hope you can help us!

Campaign began in 30 September 2018
In how many days was collected 4
Created P CaritateMD
Region Causeni
Category Social
Ioin Crigan 3 Oct, 2018 23:46 2
20 USD
Victor Bogdan 3 Oct, 2018 23:38 143
50 USD
Ion Bucuci 3 Oct, 2018 23:19
100 USD
Sa te insanatosesti repede
Anonymous donation 3 Oct, 2018 22:10
388 MDL
Anonymous donation 3 Oct, 2018 20:09 2
208 MDL
All donations
15 Nov, 2018

Dragii nostri, suma ramasa a fost redirectionata lui Dorin Guzun. Va multumim mult pentru tot!


16 Oct, 2018

Dragii nostri, venim cu noutati in privinta familiei Anton. Cu mare regret, Alexandru s-a stins din viata, aducem condoleantele noastre familiei. Dat fiind faptul ca s-au colectat 3729 euro pentru cauza, pentru tratamentul ce urma sa-l urmeze Alexandru, acesti bani urmau a fi redirectionati pentru o alta cauza la fel de urgenta si pentru a oferi posibilitate de a salva o viata. In urma cererii de refuz primite ( atasam mai jos cererea) de la sotia lui Alexandru, Comisia Fundatiei a luat decizia de a oferi posiblitatea, ca in comun acord cu Dvs, cei care ati donat, sa luam decizia cu privire la suma donata, pentru ca platforma opteaza pentru corectitudinea gestionarii donatiilor primite. Aceasta suma de 3729 euro urmau a fi redirectionati la cel mai urgent caz la momentul actual si anume la Dorin Guzun tanarul de 27 de ani care are nevoie urgent de a incepe tratamentul. Va rugam sa ne informati printr-un mesaj daca sunteti deacord ca acesti bani sa fie oferiti acestui tanar pentru tratament sau sa fie returnati inapoi catre Dvs.

Multumim dragi donatori pentru incredere si ca sunteti alaturi.


30 Sep, 2018

Am dat start campaniei
