From the heart to Estera Neaga!

56,725 MDL Of the 57,125 required
44 Donations
343 In how many days was collected
Name Neaga Estera
Age 18 years
Amount required 57,125 Moldova Lei


My name is Neaga Estera, I'm from the village of Razeni, in Ialoveni district. I am writing you this letter asking for help and telling you a short story about my medical case, with the hope that I will find understanding and support.


In 2011, at the age of 13, I was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction in the Mother and Child Center from Chisinau. Doctors told me that the condition can only be treated through surgical intervention, otherwise the disease can exacerbate. We agreed to carry out this surgery in order to stop the pains and recover. The surgery was successful, and fortunately, everything was fine.

Next year, in 2012, I was diagnosed with a bilateral Coxo Valga. The first signs of the disease appeared early, when I was 5-6 years old. I felt pain in both legs that prevented me from running and playing with other children. On recommendations of several doctors from various hospitals, we decided to undergo surgery on the right foot. We hoped that it would be successful, but, unfortunately, it wasn’t. I learned about this later, from another doctor from their children's hospital No.3. This news was a heavy blow to me and my family. From that moment my life changed radically. In 2014, I underwent surgery on my left leg in Children's Hospital No.3 and fortunately, this operation was successful.

After a while I underwent a surgery on my right leg once again. Afterwards, my right leg became 4.5 cm shorter and I could not move normally. The doctor told me about the Elizarov Device, which would help me to walk again normally. I again hoped that the surgery will be succesful, I used this device for about 6 months, but the surgery was again a failure. After it I could not normally bend and unbend my leg.

On June 27, 2017, another surgery is scheduled, at the Medpark clinic. It costs 31000 lei,  a sum that my family simply does not have. Rehabilitation will last three months, after which another surgery will follow in order to correct the mistakes made in the first one.

Despite all the difficulties, I never lost hope and still think that I will walk normally again.

With the help of God!

Campaign began in 21 June 2017
In how many days was collected 343
Created Neaga Estera
Region Satul Razeni
Category People with disabilities
Anonymous donation 30 May, 2018 11:02
1,300 EUR
Olivia Croitoru 11 May, 2018 20:11
100 MDL
Dragă Estera, sper să te faci cât mai curând bine! Sunt sigură că vei reuși! :)
Anonymous donation 11 May, 2018 14:23 175
200 MDL
Doamne Ajuta!
Anonymous donation 28 Dec, 2017 01:18 94
7,000 MDL
Apeluri UNITE 1 Dec, 2017 11:33
580 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
All donations
11 May, 2018

Dragii nostri mai jos Estera vine cu un mesaj penru toti cei care au donat pentru sansa ei de a se face bine:

" Scumpii mei donatori, vreau să vă mulțumesc din tot sufletul că mi-ați fost alături de mine și mi-ati oferit susținere atât moral cât și financiar în operația pe care am suportat-o în vara anului 2017 la clinica Medpark. Vreau din adâncul sufletului să vă mulțumesc pentru că datorită vouă acum mă simt mult mai bine.

Totodată vin și cu rugămintea repetat de a mă ajuta. Peste câteva luni voi avea nevoie iarăși de operație care presupune îndepărtarea de material osteosinteză( tija, placa, broșa, șurub, sârma). Operația mă va costa 14800 lei. Din păcate nu aș veni cu această rugămintea dar familia mea nu dispune de această sumă și nici măcar nu mai avem de unde să împrumutăm acești bani. Îmi sunteți unica mea speranța de a putea merge mai departe și să scap de durerile insuportabile ale picioarelor. Vă mulțumesc și vă rog să nu mă lăsați și de data aceasta."

Din inima pentru Estera puteti face donatii din orice colt al lumii.


21 Jun, 2017

Am dat start campaniei
