From the heart to Irina Cheltuiala

11,937 EUR Of the 30,134 required
377 Donations
35 In how many days was collected
Name Cheltuiala Alexandru
Amount required 30,134 Euro

  • First name: Irina
    • Surname: Cheltuiala
    • Age: 35
  • Diagnosis: cancer
    • Required amount: 30134 euros
    • Treatment: Spain

    A message from brother:

    Good afternoon, my name is Alexandru, we are from Chisinau. My 35-year-old sister, in 2016, was diagnosed with breast cancer. After this news that struck us all, Irina was placed in the intensive care unit and the doctors told us that her chances of survival are very low. But we took a chance, and my sister started doing chemotherapy sessions. They were so strong that her chances of survival were 1%. Nevertheless, she continued fighting for her life and after a month in coma, she underwent a new course of chemotherapy and rehabilitation. Somehow she managed to get to her feet. To our surprise and to the surprise of doctors, she was getting better and better. Being a twin brother, I was very happy to see how my sister came back to life, along with my mother we were filled with happiness that Irina managed to survive. But in September my sister had a huge headache, and after several tests, it was found that the tumor is moving to the head. Another terrible news, but we did not lose hope. Irina again underwent 10 chemotherapy sessions and seemed to feel better. However, afterwards she got worse and worse, she was weakened, and now my sister is in a hospital in Spain and her situation is very serious. Until now, we have tried to cover all our expenses. More than 30,000 euros have already been paid, but a new treatment that is vitally important for my sister cost us very dearly, our financial sources are exhausted and we can no longer manage on our own. The situation is very serious, because we were denied insurance, and we must urgently find all the money. The last 7 000 euros have been paid, but we need another 30 000 euros, which we don’t know where to get it. There are only three of us in the family: me, my sister and my mother. Despite this desperate situation, we still believe and hope for miracles. Irina is my sister and I do not want to lose her, so I ask you to help us, I want to save my sister, I want to be with her. My mother and I are suffering with her, because we are one. Any donation, however small it would be, is vitally important to us.

    We thank you for every donations, as they are our only hope!

Campaign began in 3 July 2018
In how many days was collected 35
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Anonymous donation 7 Aug, 2018 11:57 2
100 MDL
Adrian Adrian 7 Aug, 2018 11:56 31
200 MDL
Doamne ajută!
A G 7 Aug, 2018 11:23
825 MDL
Morarescu Viorel 7 Aug, 2018 02:59
450 EUR
Sandor Julien Claudiu 6 Aug, 2018 21:52 10
124 MDL
Doamne Ajuta sa se faca bine !!!
All donations
