From the heart to Nicolai Popusoi

4,852 EUR Of the 35,000 required
221 Donations
26 In how many days was collected
Name Popușoi Nicolai
Age 25 years
Amount required 35,000 Euro

From the heart to Nicolai Popusoi

Hello, my name is Nicolai Popusoi, I'm 25 years old and I’m married. Recently I started a family life full of enthusiasm and love. However, after consulting a doctor, unfortunately, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the left part.

The only solution is to remove this tumor surgically, which is a rather complicated and risky operation. It should be held in a private clinic in Turkey. As neurosurgeons from this medical institution recommended, the tumor must be removed urgently, otherwise it can lead to very serious health consequences and can also cause paralysis of the left side of the body. The cost of treatment and surgery is 35,000 euros. Unfortunately, my family does not have such a sum of money and I appeal to people of good will to help me collect these 35,000. I continue to fight and believe that God will give me a long and happy life.

Campaign began in 20 April 2017
In how many days was collected 26
Created Popușoi Nicolai
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Nicolai Popuşoi 15 May, 2017 14:25
-340 EUR
Multa sanatate Serghei
BPay Terminal 12 May, 2017 22:10
10 MDL
Numărul cecului: 106665224569538
Liliana Patlaciuc 9 May, 2017 13:30
20 USD
Anonymous donation 9 May, 2017 12:01 8
624 MDL
Doamne ajuta!
Anonymous donation 5 May, 2017 14:40 12
100 MDL
Domnul să te ajute
All donations
23 Apr, 2017


20 Apr, 2017

Am dat start campaniei
