From the heart to Victoria Rebeja

33,895 EUR Of the 55,500 required
1237 Donations
855 In how many days was collected
Age 33 years
Amount required 55,500 Euro

message from Victoria:
My name is Victoria, I am 33 years old, I am a daughter, a wife and a mother and I WANT TO LIVE! In these difficult times, my health depends on you, people with kind hearts, who can help me by making a small donation. Cancer shattered all our dreams, forcing us to start a hard struggle for life, and now all my hope is in God and in people of goodwill ...

My life, unfortunately, depends on a large sum of money, since examinations and treatment are carried out in a Turkish clinic ... I am sure that with your and God's help I can overcome the disease. I truly believe and I hope that I will see my children growing up! Thank you for your support.
P.S The indicated amount is calculated for several stages of treatment.

Campaign began in 26 November 2021
In how many days was collected 855
Created P CaritateMD
Region Dubăsari, s. Coșnița
Category Social
FILIPP ALEXANDR 29 Mar, 2024 21:31
50 MDL
ajutor material pu Rebeja Victoria
Denis Moraru 2 Feb, 2024 15:55 17
10 EUR
Сил вам!
SMS Moldcell 27 Nov, 2023 16:00
45 MDL
Victoria Lungu 22 Aug, 2023 17:01 8
194 MDL
Anonymous donation 13 Aug, 2023 01:50 630
1,955 MDL
Будьте здоровы!
All donations
3 Mar, 2022


23 Dec, 2021
26 Nov, 2021

Am dat start campaniei
