From the heart to Vladislav Lebeda 2

24,269 EUR Of the 96,000 required
1059 Donations
35 Days left
Amount required 96,000 Euro

A message from his mom:

Today, I would have liked to tell you that our tough fight over the last two years with this merciless cancer has ended... but unfortunately, it hasn't... Vlăduț faced a recurrence of the disease.

Since April, a local recurrence has been detected in his leg. It was hard to accept what the doctor said, that the leg had to be amputated... but in his case, there was no other way to save his life... And on May 19, the amputation took place... I can't even describe what we went through. Nevertheless, Vlăduț was strong and supported me. I couldn't hold back my tears... "don't cry, mom, everything will be alright" - these were his first words when he woke up after the amputation surgery. Five days after the leg amputation, we received more terrible news: we have metastases in both lungs, we need to operate the lungs... We agreed with the doctors, and on June 28, surgery was performed on the right lung, 2 metastases were removed, then, on August 22, the left lung, 3 metastases were removed.

And now we are waiting for the next surgery on January 23. The suffering and difficulties we go through again compel us to turn to you, to those who have been guardian angels for my child, without whom we could not have achieved what we have now. Now Vlad requires a leg prosthesis, he wants to be independent, he has his dreams. He very much wants to continue his studies... But the cost of the prosthesis is more than 38,000 euros, and we are unable to gather such an amount, considering we are also undergoing treatment. It’s very hard for us right now... We are undergoing treatment in Italy, in Bologna.

We ask you again to stand by us, to give my boy a chance to walk again!

Campaign began in 18 January 2024
Days left 35
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Călărași, s. Săseni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 5 Oct, 2024 11:15
400 MDL
Doamne ajută .
Vlad Damaschin 4 Oct, 2024 20:31 2
10 EUR
Victoria Mustafenco 4 Oct, 2024 03:55 51
8,739 MDL
Anonymous donation 4 Oct, 2024 01:09 2
10 EUR
Doina Tofan 4 Oct, 2024 00:11 6
193 MDL
All donations
30 Aug, 2024

Vladut a trecut cu bine operatia, este slabit dar puterea lui si vointa de a trai uimeste pe toti. Dragi oameni cu suflet mare, nu exista o mai mare recunostinta pentru taticul lui Vladut, pentru mamica lui Vladut sustinerea ajutorul si rugaciunile voastre. Datorita Bunului Dumnezeu, al oamenilor Vladut continua sa lupte pentru viata lui si noi impreuna cu familia lui, cu Vlad va rugam sa fiti in continuare alaturi de lupta lui, pentru ca fara ajutorul oamenilor pur si simplu nu ar fi posibil((( Este o lupta foarte grea psihologic dar si mai grea financiar pentru ca viata ta are un pret pe care tu nici nu iti imaginez de unde sa gasesti acesti bani. Puterea oamenilor poate face minuni, si Vlad acum are nevoie de aceasta minune. Astazi va rugam sa il priviti cum se lupta si sa alegeti sa fiti cu cat va lasa inima si cu cat puteti alaturi de viata lui Vlad printr-o mica donatie, o distribuire.

Multumim din inima ingeri pazitori, pentru binele oferit, Dumnezeu intoarce inzecit.


5 Aug, 2024


27 Mar, 2024

Vladislav poarta in rugaciuni fiecare persoana ce il ajuta... Lupta este grea, durerea este mare, iar costul vietii pentru viata, ii pune la pamant pe parintii lui Vladislav. Dragii nostri, o mai mare durere in lume nu exista decat sa ne vedem copii chinuiti pe patul de spital si sa  stim ca viata lor au un cost ce  este puterile parintilor... Aceasta familie traiesc momente de durere de nedescris, pentru ca au ajuns sa nu isi pot permite sa achite "sansa la viata" 

Pe Vladislav il cunoastem ca un tanar luptator si dornic de viata... insa acum ii este greu sa fie puternic cand nu isi mai poate achita sansa lui la viata.

Va rugam din inima sa continuam sa-l ajutam pe Vladislav ce a trecut si asa printr-o mare cumpana, cand boala i-a luat un picior si acum risca sa ii ia viata.

Sa ne unim pentru sansa acestui tanar din orice tara, sau colt al lumii, aici, printr-o mica donatie de suflet:


18 Jan, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
