Maria was diagnosed with hydrocephalus

1,678 EUR Of the 5,000 required
108 Donations
514 In how many days was collected
Name Coșcodan
Age 15 years
Amount required 5,000 Euro

For 14 years, the Coscodan family lives with hope for tomorrow. Their daughter Maria was diagnosed with  hydrocephalus, a serious disease that happens due to infection, due to birth defects, or as a result of traumatic brain injury. This led to a disproportionate increase in the volume and weight of the head: more than 1 m and approximately 20 - 25 kg. This is why Maria is completely immobilized, she’s not able to walk or even to eat. In addition, Maria lost her eyesight and cannot even see her parents. Children born with hydrocephalus, or in which was recently diagnosed with one, can lead a normal life, but only if the disease is treated at the right time. In case of Maria, it is too late to do something. Maria’s Mother is always at home, taking care of her, while her father is the only one that bring money to the family. Nevertheless, the family income is very low, and the pair barely copes with the difficulties, as they have two more children. The Coscodan family appeals to all the people who can help by making a donation to Maria.

Campaign began in 21 December 2016
In how many days was collected 514
Created Alexandru Coşcodan
Category People with disabilities
Anonymous donation 18 May, 2018 10:32 222
Un mic ajutor din partea surioarei mele dragi cu ocazia zilei mele de nastere. Sfinta Treime și Maiculita Domnului sa o ocrotească mereu pe micuța îngeraș și familiei ei dragi
Anonymous donation 12 May, 2018 23:15
84 MDL
Anonymous donation 7 May, 2018 23:57 18
198 MDL
Dumnezeu sa va pazeasca❤
Lungu Vadim 3 May, 2018 19:53 106
10 EUR
Anonymous donation 3 May, 2018 09:53 13
50 USD
All donations
7 Jul, 2017

Maria Coscodan,fetita de 15 ani diagnoza Hidrocefalie decompensata,retaed motor psihoverbal extrem de ultimul an starea de sanatate a Mariei sa agravat extrem de mult.Este mereu in accese de convulsii,are corpul plin cu escare care mereu trec si din nou apar,cele mai grave rani sunt pe cap deoarece capul Mariei cintareste 30 kg,de la greutatea capului ranile practic niciodata nu trec,suntem intr-o durere continua.Din aceste cauze suntem mereu nevoiti sa procuram medicamente de durere si pentru tratatea escarelor.Pe linga toate necazurile Mariei avem probleme si cu urechiusa dreapta,din cauza lichidului si a preaiunii lui sa spart timpanul si din ureche curge mereu lichidul sub forma de infectie,care ne pune in mare pericol sanatatea Mariei,deoarece se poate produce o infectie totala a capului,daca nu este zilnik prelucrat precum si ranile de pe cap.Acuma doua saptamiini in urma am aflat ca la Londra sunt medici care sunt gata sa-i usureze Mariei existenta print-o procedura de scoarere a lichidului in cantitati mici pentru a scade presiunea din cap.Apelam la ajutorul dvs,celor cu unima mare si suflet bun.Pentru Maria conteaza orice ajutor.

1 May, 2016

Am dat start campaniei
