Together in support of Pathology and Gastrology Division at the Mother and Child Institute

8,253 EUR Of the 100,000 required
131 Donations
18 Days left
Amount required 100,000 Euro

I really hope to live to the days when there will be decent conditions in the state hospitals of our country. The Mother and Child Institute is the largest and most important hospital for children in the country and it deserves to look like a hospital for mothers and children... Thank you all for your participation, over the past years, we have managed to change the situation a little, in several departments (divisions). Of course, this is just a drop, but it is a drop of history that we, simple people, have written. Thank you for everything! I sincerely hope that you will continue to support this project and we will be able to replace the beds in the Pathology and Gastrology division, because they look terrible. I will post some photos here and I hope that we can replace these beds. Our children in hospitals deserve the best, and we ask you to lend them a helping hand and provide them with everything they need. 

Campaign began in 13 September 2022
Days left 18
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Anonymous donation 31 Dec, 2024 20:21 7
965 MDL
Anonymous donation 9 Nov, 2024 19:01 278
Anonymous donation 20 Sep, 2024 08:27 278
Anonymous donation 8 Jan, 2024 22:07 30
34 MDL
cu mulțumiri lui Ighy ("cap de struț")și celor de laFantoma libertății (1974) :)
Anonymous donation 27 Dec, 2023 07:25 104
Doamne ajută ❤️
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