A School Bag for Everyone - Second Edition

8,162 EUR Of the 10,000 required
496 Donations
50 In how many days was collected
Amount required 10,000 Euro

We invite you to take part once again in the campaign "A School Bag for Everyone" and help children who cannot afford backpacks and school supplies, because without education, the existence of any nation is at risk. For the third consecutive year, we are supporting children who want to attend school but lack the financial means. This initiative was born when we organized our holiday campaigns: Christmas and Easter, and we decided to visit as many children from Moldovan villages as possible to offer them backpacks filled with school supplies and everything they need for the start of the school year. Last year, together with you, we brought happiness to over 200 children from different regions of the country. This year, we hope to provide school bags to other children who cannot afford them.

This is a significant achievement for us, adults, and we will continue to support children in their pursuit of education, nurturing their desire to learn and explore the world. We invite you to support this initiative and offer a school bag or a backpack to every child.

Campaign began in 19 July 2023
In how many days was collected 50
Created P CaritateMD
Region Moldova
Category Social
Anonymous donation 7 Sep, 2023 00:04 31
4,641 MDL
Anonymous donation 6 Sep, 2023 23:35 211
Anonymous donation 6 Sep, 2023 20:46 12
100 MDL
Cristina Litvac 6 Sep, 2023 16:29 22
20 EUR
Anonymous donation 6 Sep, 2023 14:18 79
All donations
26 Sep, 2023

Un ghiozdan pentru fiecare anul acesta a adus zambetul copiilor la peste 1300 de elevi minunati, sarguinciosi si dornici de cunostinta. Am reusit sa oferim si la doua centre de plasament unde copii sunt lipsiti de dragostea parinteasca, nu numai rechizite si ghiozdane, dar multe bunatati: dulciuri, mancare, pizza, distractie, produse de igiena si alimentatie si sigur le-am oferit sa simta ce inseamna bunatatea oamenilor.

Dragi oameni cu suflet mare, va suntem atat de recunoscatori pentru aceasta campanie de suflet, va multumiM ca existati, va multumim pentru zambetele copiilor nostri. O implinire mai mare decat sa ne vedem copii fericiti nu exista si pentru acest lucru va zicem un MARE MULTUMESC!


19 Jul, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
