From the heart to Ina Gheorghita

1,838 USD Of the 7,000 required
80 Donations
168 In how many days was collected
Name Инна Георгица
Age 37 years
Amount required 7,000 US Dollar

  • First name: Ina
  • Surname:  Gheorghita
  • Diagnosis: Breast Cancer
  • Required amount: $ 7,000
  • Treatment: Ukraine, Kiev
  • A Message from friends:

    Ina Gheorghita is a 36-year-old woman, the mother of two wonderful children, Masha and Artem. But all her hopes and plans for life began to collapse at the hands of a ruthless enemy, who is called "Breast Cancer" with metastases to the lungs at the IV stage of development. The disease was detected only in February 2017. Initial treatment, including chemotherapy, long-term studies at the National Cancer Research Institute in Kiev require huge financial resources. Then there will be three more chemotherapy sessions, the cost of which are 10 000 lei each, and then a surgery for breast removal, which will cost about 5000 dollars. The family simply does not have this amount of money. This young and cheerful mother can be saved from this ruthless illness, if everything is done on time. We ask all people with kind hearts to help Ina overcome these difficulties and continue her life, because she deserves to live. Thank you very much!

Campaign began in 14 January 2018
In how many days was collected 168
Created Tatiana Medelean
Region Молдова, Фалешты
Category Social
Anonymous donation 1 Jul, 2018 00:40 57
10 USD
Doamne ajuta!
Ion Bulgac 30 Jun, 2018 16:29 223
100 EUR
Lucia Zubcov 13 Jun, 2018 18:52 10
83 MDL
Anonymous donation 12 Jun, 2018 06:33 3
167 MDL
Бог да хранит вас и Ваших детей, Выздоравливайте! Аминь
Доскинеску Марина 11 Jun, 2018 16:05 61
100 MDL
All donations
