From the Heart for Natalia Perciun

74,681 EUR Of the 85,000 required
4217 Donations
192 In how many days was collected
Age 50 years
Amount required 85,000 Euro

A message from Ms. Natalia:

Dear friends, colleagues, people with kind hearts! My name is Natalia Perciun, I am a psychologist, and I am in dire need of your help to extend my hope for life. I have a daughter who is 9 years old, the long-awaited child in our family, whom we waited for 18 years (after 13 IVF procedures). In August 2022, I was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma, stage II, and, as a result, I underwent surgery: segmental liver resection. We were very happy with the treatment and kept undergoing regular check-ups every 3 months. But our happiness was short-lived. In December 2023, further examinations revealed several secondary tumors, indicating a relapse of the disease, and the cancer returned in a more aggressive form. My chance for survival and the opportunity to raise my child is a liver transplant, which is very costly. My husband also has health problems, specifically viral etiology C liver cirrhosis. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment to buy time while waiting for the transplant. Fortunately, and with God's blessing, my friend has offered to donate part of her liver to me, for which I bow down to her for this beautiful gesture.

I want to ask you to help me get a chance at life and hope to live together with my family. Any donation is very important to us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support!

Campaign began in 11 March 2024
In how many days was collected 192
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
FILIPP ALEXANDR 19 Sep, 2024 17:13
10 MDL
ajutor material pu Perciun Natalia
Anonymous donation 6 Aug, 2024 12:26
10 EUR
Va urez mult succes si sper sa va insanatositi
Anonymous donation 4 Aug, 2024 12:32 14
10 EUR
Anonymous donation 22 Jul, 2024 16:12 5
384 MDL
Anonymous donation 19 Jul, 2024 12:13 7
100 MDL
Să vă faceți bine!
All donations
17 Aug, 2024

O intalnire superba am avut ieri, cu fosta mea profesoara de geografie, pe care cateva luni in urma va rugam enorm sa o ajutam. Ieri a sarbatorit ziua fetitei ei de 10 anisori. mai mare dorinta nu avea decat sa fie alaturi de puiul ei. Dn-a Natalia a suportat transplantul de ficat cu brio, pe prietena ei care i-a donat o parte din ficat nu vom reusi sa o convingem sa pozeze sau sa postam cine e, dar ea va ramane si o zic si aici, un Erou..da da, nu e sora, frate, e prietena... si medicii au ramas uimiti vazand ca o prietena, a acceptat sa doneze unei prietene o bucata din ficat. Ambele prietene astazi sunt bine, merg periodic la investigatii si se simt minunat. Dar dna Natalia ieri m-a rugat sa va transmit toata recunostinta si toata iubirea din inima ei pentru faptul ca a sarbatorit ieri ziua fetitei alaturi de ea, sanatoasa. Plecaciuni , va multumesc enorm pentru tot. Multumim pentru viata doamnei mele profesoare.


11 Mar, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
