From the heart to Alexandru Vlad

55,717 EUR Of the 96,000 required
2920 Donations
289 In how many days was collected
Age 3 years
Amount required 96,000 Euro

Hello, my name is Alexandru, I am 3 years old and I was born with a rare disease, a mutation in the COL6A2 and RYR1 genes known as Ullrich's syndrome, muscular and skeletal dystrophy, respectively. Because of this disease, my muscles are very poorly developed, I cannot walk and my spine is deformed.

We could not find a solution in our country and started to look for help abroad. Doctors in Germany have assured me that treatment is possible. For the past 15 months, I have followed their advice, wearing progressive corsets that gave me promising results in terms of posture. However, the next steps are much more complicated, they require surgery and many years of treatment. Unfortunately, the financial costs associated with this treatment far exceed the capabilities of our family and friends (the minimum required amount is 96,000 euros).

I sincerely would like to play and run, next to other children, but this prospect is still unreachable. Please help me make my most precious dream come true.

I will be forever grateful to you along with everyone who loves me!

Campaign began in 18 July 2020
In how many days was collected 289
Created Veaceslav Vlad
Region Chisinau
Category People with disabilities
Anonymous donation 3 May, 2021 10:56 2
107 MDL
Sa te faci bine si multa sanatate, pui mic!
Anonymous donation 1 May, 2021 20:50 146
1,000 MDL
Lidia Ciobanu 26 Apr, 2021 23:45 49
20 EUR
Doamne ajută
Sergiu Grubi 22 Apr, 2021 23:57 45
400 MDL
Anonymous donation 22 Apr, 2021 12:05 58
15 EUR
All donations
30 Nov, 2021


17 Aug, 2021


3 Sep, 2020
18 Jul, 2020

Am dat start campaniei
