From the heart to Ilia Topal

2,157 EUR Of the 100,000 required
228 Donations
42 Days left
Age 24 years
Amount required 100,000 Euro

The young man's plead:

Friends, I never thought I would make such a request.
My name is Ilia. I am a resident of the beautiful village of Beshalma.

Unfortunately, I have been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In simple terms - blood cancer. I am only 24 years old

I do not have the strength or the words to describe my condition to you.

I have been undergoing treatment for 3 years. Initially, I was treated at the Oncology Institute in Chisinau, then abroad, but unfortunately, no one could help me.
Cancer is very cunning. I recently had a third relapse and I need help.
It is vital to continue treatment in Turkey and a bone marrow transplant is required.

I call upon your kindness for whatever support you can give!
Please, do not ignore this call for help!

Campaign began in 20 January 2024
Days left 42
Created P CaritateMD
Region S.Beșalma, UTA Găgăuzia
Category Social
Cojocaru DARIA 4 Jul, 2024 09:34 51
200 MDL
SMS Moldcell 1 Jul, 2024 18:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 1 Jul, 2024 18:00
45 MDL
FILIPP ALEXANDR 20 Jun, 2024 13:23
70 MDL
ajutor material pu Topal Ilia
Anonymous donation 19 Jun, 2024 08:39 148
All donations
