From the heart to Nicolae Haralampov

83,832 USD Of the 100,000 required
1088 Donations
460 In how many days was collected
Name Ursachi Alexandra
Age 27 years
Amount required 100,000 US Dollar

  • Surname: Haralampov
    • First name: Nicolae
    • Age: 27
    • Diagnosis: Second Degree Leukemia
    • Required amount: $ 90,000
    • Treatment: Turkey

A message from from friends:

 Good day to all. We are the friends of Nicolae and we ask you to help him recover and return home healthy.

Nicolae Haralampov is a young man from Soroca, where he, at the age of 27, learned the harsh news not only for him, but also for his parents, for us, his friends, and for everyone who knows him. Recently he was diagnosed with second degree leukemia and his only chance of recovery is a bone marrow transplant, which is very expensive. To save his life, Nicolae requires $ 90,000. This is a huge amount of money for his parents and they are so desperate, they cannot even imagine where to find this money. Nicolae is a young man, like everyone else, he is full of life and he has many hopes for the future.

We ask the generous and kind people who read this message to help us, we need you. Nicolae needs you; you are his chance to live. On behalf of his suffering parents, we ask you to support him in this battle, which he cannot win on his own.

Thank you!

Campaign began in 30 June 2018
In how many days was collected 460
Created Ursachi Alexandra
Region Soroca
Category Social
Anonymous donation 2 Oct, 2019 15:02
2,000 EUR
Anonymous donation 5 Sep, 2019 12:56
7,000 EUR donatie lunara 1 Aug, 2019 12:15
5,000 USD
don lunara 5 Jul, 2019 11:28
5,000 EUR
Anonymous donation 6 Jun, 2019 19:48
5,000 USD
All donations
5 Mar, 2019
2 Jan, 2019

Dragii nostri, mai jos este mamica lui Nicolae, nu stiu cat inca mai poate rezista, nici nu vrea sa se gandeasca daca mai poate, daca mai simte ceva, pentru ca acum traieste cu un singur gand, SA-SI SALVEZE FIUL. E la pamant de atatea greutati, acum cu doua zile in urma totusi din cauza datoriei mult prea mari si anume de 60.000 euro, Nicolae a fost externat... Sincer nu puteam sa privim video pana la urma, pentru ca lacrimile disperate ale acestei mame dor atat de mult. Sa stiti ca a vrut pur si simplu sa ne spuna ca cauta disperat oameni care sa se alature in lupta pentru viata fiului ei. Dar... nu a rezistat... sarmana mama... are zile intregi nedormite... vorbind cu ea, noi defapt stim ca in sufletul ei se ascunde mult mai multa durere, mult mai multa disperare, ii este si frica... fiindca stie ca ea acum este umarul lui Nicolae care incearca sa-l incurajeze. Dragii nostri, Nicolae are ca niciodata nevoie de noi, suntem sansa lui de a se intoarce sa-si prelungeasca tratamentul. Va spunem sincer o mai mare durere in ochii acestei mamici nu am vazut, lupta cum o mama poate dar deja si ea nu mai rezista... Din inima haideti sa incercam sa le readucem speranta ca totusi ei vor reusi, ca totusi nu sunt singuri si ca oamenii pot fi uniti la durere. Donati cat puteti aici, din orice colt al lumii:



19 Sep, 2018



1 Jul, 2018

Am dat start campaniei
