Hello there!

231 EUR Of the 70,000 required
12 Donations
287 In how many days was collected
Name Scutari Anatolie
Amount required 70,000 Euro

Hello there! My name is Anatol, and this is my story.

Born on the 6-th of June 1995, Moldova. I had a normal and full of energy childhood. Maybe I was too curios sometimes, but I was my way to discover the world. The summer of 2001 changed completely my life, in a tragic way. It was my curiosity that led me to an electrical cabin without a door. All those cables interested me in touching them ….than “boom!” it happened. I woke up lost in confused. Lucky enough to be found by an old woman passing around that announced my relatives. I do not remember more than the ambulance staff taken me to the hospital and my mother crying by my side. I could read in her eyes a lot of pain and fear, fear to lose her baby boy. Unfortunately, it ended badly for me; the doctors could not save my right arm and three fingers from the left one. After the surgery, my mother tried hard to smile and increase the faith that everything would be just fine. However, I realized nothing to be the same anymore. After months at recovery, full of right spirits and patience I had to learn to overpass the pain and do thing by myself. I became grown up in a hard way but faster than other teen-agers.
It took me long time to smite again, but I did it. Now I decided to take over the situation and look for a way out, because I truly want my life back, want to be able to build my own future with my own hands.

Campaign began in 10 March 2017
In how many days was collected 287
Created Scutari Anatolie
Region Florești
Category People with disabilities
Rodica Z 21 Dec, 2017 22:13 61
100 MDL
Apeluri UNITE 1 Dec, 2017 11:33
580 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
Apeluri UNITE 13 Oct, 2017 15:09
386 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
Anonymous donation 1 Oct, 2017 20:32 4
1,037 MDL
De sufletul lui Francesco
Apeluri UNITE 25 Sep, 2017 15:09
282 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
All donations
22 Mar, 2018

Anatol are un vis implinit. Este atat de fericit de sansa oferita si este atat de recunascator de ajutorul oferit. Multumim cu plecaciune tuturor. Cat de frumos si placut este sa vedem ca impreuna am mai schimbat un destin, ca impreuna am indeplinit un vis. Multumim pentru aceste momente unice de fericire pe chipul acestor suflete.



14 Feb, 2018

Dragii nostri, Anatol Scutari este baiatul care de curand si-a indeplinit visul lui, credem noi cel mai mare. Istoria lui nu a putut sa nu impresioneze, chiar daca a trecut mult timp totusi Anatol a primit sprijinul mult asteptat din partea unui donator fidel. Tanarul a trecut prin multe, iar atunci cand i-a fost adusa nouatatea ca va sustinut in realizarea visului lui, nu ii venea a crede. Multumim tuturor care au fost alaturi de acest tanar, Anatol va multumeste din suflet pentru sansa oferita, pentru tot sprijinul si pentru toata sustinerea. Minuni exista si ele nu se masoara in timp. Multumim enorm pentru inca un destin schimbat!


5 Oct, 2016

Am dat start campaniei
