Vlad Ceban, Help Is On The Way!

32,175 EUR Of the 86,000 required
1375 Donations
269 In how many days was collected
Name Vlad Ceban
Amount required 86,000 Euro

Vladic Ceban from Soroca is 12 years and he is quite mature for his age. Vlad is struggling with a serious enemy, whose name is osteosarcoma. In plain language, this means bone cancer. This is a very serious diagnosis, but we are confident that Vlad will be strong.

The only thing he needs is our help. Vlad is already treated at the clinic Medical Park in Turkey.

Medical Park clinic is a remarkable place, and it’s very special to us, because Vlad Ceban and other children from Moldova received there high quality treatment and hope for recovery. Now the only thing we have to do is to find the money.

As for our Turkish friends a person's life - it is a priority, the clinic began the treatment Vlad Ceban at their own expense. It remains to collect 86.000 euros. It is the worth Vlad health. The prognosis for Vlad’s situation are optimistic. He will be submitted to a long course of chemotherapy, a surgery and rehabilitation period.

He is fighting for his health and is counting on us. If each one of us will offer a little we will be able to collect the necessary sum.

Vlad is always smiling. Even when it hurts, the smile never leave his face. For this smile we will do anything.

Campaign began in 7 September 2016
In how many days was collected 269
Created P CaritateMD
Region or. Soroca
Category Social
MMPS Terminal 2 Jun, 2017 17:52
100 MDL
MMPS Terminal 29 May, 2017 19:20
100 MDL
Diana Stefania 29 May, 2017 15:17
1,024 MDL
Multa sanatate !
Laura Necruta 29 May, 2017 13:51 2
2,048 MDL
O să ma rog domnului sa te faci bine cat mai curand Vlăduț ❤️
ina ginga 29 May, 2017 13:22 30
10 EUR
Doamne ajuta
All donations
26 Jun, 2017

O nouă Victorie! Din inimă se salvează vieți, se schimbă destine. Vladut Ceban s-a întors acasă dupa o luptă de un an de zile. O luptă a noastră a tuturor. Și împreună am învins. Mulțumim e puțin, plecăciuni e puțin. Dragi moldoveni din țară și de peste hotare, dragi români, dragi oameni cu suflet frumos. Noi împreună, am salvat încă un copil. Dumnezeu e mare și a facut această minune, medici de excepție cărora le mulțumim din toată inima. Mulțumim întregii și minunatei echipe Medicalpark Istanbul pentru tot! Mulțumim enorm domnului profesor Tashy Tasente și Vlad Plăcintă de la asociația " Salveaza o inima" din România.Mulțumim enorm dragi donatori, pentru că fără sprijinul și suportul Dvs nu era posibil această mare Victorie. Mulțumim pentru tot scumpii și dragii noștri donatori, cu o bucurie imensă vă zicem că Vlad Ceban a invins Cancerul. Eroul nostru, al tuturor s-a întors acasă sănătos. Echipa caritate.md vă mulțumește din suflet.



29 May, 2017

Dragii noștri venim cu o noutate mai mult decît minunată!!!! Am reușit să strîngem toți banii necesari pentru salvarea lui Vladuț - 86.000 Euro!!! (Asociatia "Salveaza o inima" - 53.800 Euro si Caritate.md - 32.200 Euro)! Nu există cuvinte de mulțumire care să redea cît suntem de recunoscători!!!! Mamica lui Vladuț are nevoie de timp să își revină Lacrimi de fericire!!!! Cît de greu a fost să colectam pentru aceasta campanie! Parea imposibil!!! Dar pentru că exista lume bună, voi dragi donatori!!!

Stop donatii Vlad Ceban.De cînd visam să spunem asta !!!! Stop donații!!! pentru că minuni exisă!!! Și minunea o facem noi, Din inimă echipa www.caritate.md va mulțumește pană cer și înapoi.


26 Apr, 2017



5 Apr, 2017


31 Mar, 2017


26 Mar, 2017


14 Jan, 2017

Vladut Ceban starts to recover and we are pleased to see him again. His hair started to grow. He is feeling better now! Doctors are optimistic. Vlad is currently undergoing chemotherapy in combination with radiation therapy. It is very hard for him. He gets tired easily, and radiation therapy make his stomach ache... But the boy is ready to go through all these challenges, because he has a dream - to return home healthy.

Let us support Vlad further. He still needs us! Let's make a donation for this brave child who behaves like a real man! One or two SMS-and are not so expensive. Let’s make a from the heart and help Vlad.

SMS-donations for Orange subscribers (to number 2910 with the text "Vlad"); Unite subscribers (to number 9002 with the text "Vlad"); Moldtelecom subscribers - a call from landline phone to the number 090009002 (cost of an SMS-a or call is 45 lei and they can be sent daily, in unlimited quantities).

Donations via QIWI terminals (BPAY code - 17002022).

Let's be kinder. Thank you!!!



1 Nov, 2016

Vladut is recovering after adifficult and painful period. The boy desperately needs our support. He catched stomatitis and a few days could not eat or speak. Vladut’s mom has no more tears, but the boy supports her like a real man. Vladut will beat the disease and we will help him complete the treatment. Many thanks to our loyal donors. Let's sacrifice as much as we can to save the boy and share this story with others. Vladut didn’t manage to collect a large amount of donations and his parents are quite discouraged. But I promised them that everythimng will be ok, that the world is full of good people. I ask you, dear donors make a small donation: 5-10 euros each. And please, do not forget to share this case with your friends - ask them to do a good deed, because this family can not cope without our help. Poor parents have nothing more to sell.

I thank you all from all my heart!

Thank you, sincerely, Svetlana Sainsus.


Am dat start campaniei
