From the heart to Andreea Maxim

15,106 EUR Of the 15,000 required
63 Donations
138 In how many days was collected
Name Viorica Maxim
Age 7 years
Amount required 15,000 Euro

My name is Maxim Viorica and I'm Andeea Maxim's mother. My little girl was a long awaited child. But God wanted her to be different from other children. Andreea was born on a beautiful autumn day, but when she was one month old she was diagnosed with a severe form of congenital scoliosis, 87 degrees angle. I asked for help from local doctors, but they told me that a risky surgery is required and they do not have the necessary tools to carry it out. We found the solution in a hospital in Bucharest, and since 2012 we underwent 9 surgeries there. For the first one, an implant worth 23,400 euros was required. Then, eight more surgeries followed in order to lengthen this implant. We did our best to go through all the necessary procedures, I lent money, worked day and night. Now Andreea is 7 years and 10 months old and the implant needs to be changed. For a new surgery, we need your support, because we do not have the required sum of money. Please help us raise the necessary sum for Andreea’s surgery, so that she can enjoy her childhood and life. Thank you and I will pray for God to reward you for all your good deeds!

Campaign began in 29 September 2017
In how many days was collected 138
Created P CaritateMD
Region Cahul
Category Social
Anonymous donation 13 Feb, 2018 18:24
2,800 EUR
Anonymous donation 9 Feb, 2018 23:19 8
40 MDL
Anonymous donation 5 Feb, 2018 13:17 16
10 EUR
Anonymous donation 5 Feb, 2018 09:12 19
50 MDL
dar din dar se face raiul
pusztai florin raul 3 Feb, 2018 12:31
50 EUR
All donations
18 Apr, 2018

Dragii nostri, venim cu noutati bune de la Andreea Maxim. Ieri seara, micuta Andreea a fost operata. A fost o operatie foarte complicata, timp de 10 ore a decurs, medicii au iesit epuizati de putere in schimb ne-au anuntat ca a decurs bine si ca in sfarsit Andreea va uita de toate durerile si chinurile pe care le-a avut. Ieri seara, doar datorita voua dragi ingeri pazitori, am putut iarasi schimba inca un destin. Sufletul mamei plange de fericire si inca nu ii vine a crede ca fiica ei se va bucura si ea de copilaria. Impreuna se fac lucruri marete pentru copiii nostri, impreuna stim sa aducem speranta si sa ajutam acestor suflete necajite si pline de durere. Multumim cu plecaciune pentru fiecare donatie, pentru fiecare gand, pentru fiecare incurajare care a facut o minune pentru Andreea. Mamica fetitei pana la pamant va multumeste si nu va uita niciodata ca,datorita voua, fiica ei a fost salvata.

Multumim pentru inca un destin schimbat, pentru inca o viata de copil.

Cu respect,

Echipa - Unitate prin Caritate!


Am dat start campaniei
