From the heart to Andrei Bozu

503,867 MDL Of the 450,000 required
1504 Donations
22 In how many days was collected
Name Andrei Bozu
Age 29 years
Amount required 450,000 Moldova Lei


The sad story of Andrei’s life, who now desperately requires our help, started 19 years ago. At the age of 10, Andrei and his brothers were abandoned by their father, and soon afterwards, by their mother, and the young boy with his brothers had to cope on his own. All the hard work and responsibilities of the two parents fell on Andrei’s shoulders. All his childhood, he worked and cared for others, and as a result, the young man matured very quickly. In addition, when he was only 17 years old, a terrible accident happened to him while he was working. Andrei worked in a barn, caring for livestock in the village. On one ordinary day, when he was planning to feed the animals, the feeding machine tore up his hand. After that, his life took another turn and Andrew moved to Calarasi district, to the village of Saseni. Here he bought a small house using his own money and helped by one of his brothers. Having only one hand, the young man started to work hard in order to make repairs to provide him and his brothers better living conditions. But, unfortunately, on March 19, the house caught fire and all the hopes for a brighter future as well. The fire took everything.

Andrei is a kind and sympathetic person, he is always eager to help, but now he is the one who requires our help. Due to the fact that he has only one hand, for Andrei is very difficult to find a stable job. With great hope, Andrei asks us to help him repair his house, buy a prosthetic hand and undergo several examinations.

Thank you for all your support!

Campaign began in 17 June 2019
In how many days was collected 22
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Calarasi, s. Saseni
Category Social
Berinde Maria-Monica 9 Jul, 2019 12:09
15 EUR
Bodnar Andreea-Daniela 9 Jul, 2019 12:07
10 EUR
Nitulescu Ioan 9 Jul, 2019 12:06
22 EUR
Bargan Cristina 1 Jul, 2019 22:23 13
44,858 MDL
Thank you to my dear friends in Dallas for being a part of this donation ! Without them I couldn’t have helped Andrei!
Mulțumesc din suflet prietenilor mei din Dallas care au contribuit la aceasta donație. Fără ei nu as fi putut sa-l ajut pe Andrei in aceasta măsura.
Anonymous donation 29 Jun, 2019 17:30
437 MDL
All donations
16 Jul, 2019

Pentru ca bunatatea omeneasca nu are limite. Andrei Bozu are o casa noua si o viata noua!

Dragii nostri, pentru ca Dumnezeu lucreaza prin oameni, astazi venim cu noutati extraordinare. Ce am simtit si ce am putut reusi, impreuna pentru Andrei, pentru acest tanar cu atatea poveri in spate, cuvintele pur si simplu vor fi mici. Mici in a va spune cata fericire si cata bunatate a primit de la noi, mici pentru a va spune ca fericirea si bunatatea pe care uneori o ascundem, nu are margini. Va rugam sa priviti, sa priviti acesti ochi care emana atata recunostinta, implinire si vom intelege ca cuvintele sunt mici atunci cand simti ca datorita oamenilor, astazi acest tanar pur si simplu plange de fericire. Prea tarziu el simte fericirea, dar o simte, i se pare inca un vis, dar de fapt e rezultatul bunatatii noastre. In viata Andrei, a avut parte de toate, de dezamagiri, de incercari atat de dure, de poveri duse de unul singur, de lipsa caldurii parintesti, insa istoria lui, durerea lui a fost auzita de sute chiar mii de oameni si care noi, la randul sau, am facut tot posibilul sa-i aducem increderea inapoi in oameni pentru ca durere straina nu exista. De acum incolo, Andrei are o alta viata, un alt destin, alte emotii, totul de acum in colo va fi altfel. Priviti ce casuta am reusit sa cumparam, priviti oamenii calzi din satele noastre, priviti pur si simplu cum arata fericirea... Si pentru ca donatiile nu incetau, s-au colectat banuti in plus si i-am luat si un tractoras sa lucreze pentru el deja nu pentru altii. Era un mare vis sa aiba asa tractoras! I-au si mai ramas banuti pe cont pentru o viata decenta un timp oarecare si pentru toate cele necesare! Dar asta nu e tot! In curand venim cu noutati la fel de frumoase, dar pana atunci, dorim sa va zicem plecaciuni, scumpii nostri, plecaciuni pana la pamant pentru tot ce am putut realiza. Daca ne-am putea intr-o zi sa ne intalnim cu toti, cu absolut toti, pur si simplu am pleca capul in fata Dumneavoastra si multumim pentru aceste minuni! Pentru ca inca mai credeti. Durere straina nu exista si noi impreuna am demonstrat-o de mii de ori in acesti ani. Dragii nostri, nu uitati, aceste emotii, aceasta fericire nemarginita, acest destin schimbat este totul datorita omenirii, iar peste multi, multi ani, vom avea ce ne aduce aminte si cu siguranta vom povesti si vom arata nepotilor ce inseamna cu adevarat bunatatea si marinimia adunata intr-un tot intreg. Aceste clipe unice, raman amintiri cu o amprenta pe viata.

Cu mult respect pentru toti, va cuprindem!



17 Jun, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
